

There are various types of hydrangea bushes, the mophead hydrangea being the most common. Hydrangea pruning instructions may vary slightly with other types. Although hydrangea pruning care may differ, all hydrangeas can benefit from the removal of dead stems and spent blooms each year.

The Secret to Perfect Poinsettias

What Makes Our Poinsettias Special? Giordano’s Gift and Garden sells “Ecke” poinsettias. These are specially hybridized by our growers to be adaptable to winter home environments. In other words, most homes have low light in the wintertime, and also low humidity. Our poinsettias are adaptable to low light, and tolerant of low humidity. On the The Secret to Perfect Poinsettias

It’s Time to Divide! (Day Lilies, That is)

Although day lilies are tough enough to be divided in the summer months, why disrupt your garden while they are blooming? Waiting until  after the flowers are gone makes more sense. If your day lilies were under-performing this year, or seem very crowded, dividing these perennials will entice them to produce more flowers.

Preventing Zika at Your Backyard Barbecue

Zika is the latest virus to garner world wide headlines, and health authorities have predicted that Zika will spread throughout the Americas. Like other debilitating viruses (West Nile, malaria, and dengue fever), Zika is transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes.

How and Why to Divide Perennials

Why Divide Perennials? There are three primary reasons for dividing perennials: to control the size of the plants; to help rejuvenate your plants; and to increase the number of plants you have. This is an inexpensive way to gain additional plants for your garden (or to share with others). When Should You Divide Perennials? This How and Why to Divide Perennials


Suggested Pruning Time for Common Flowering Trees, Shrubs, & Vines Spring-Flowering Plants: Plants that bloom in early spring usually produce their flower buds the year before. The buds over-winter on the previous year’s growth and open in spring. Prune after flowering: Alternate-leaf Butterfly-bush (Buddleia alternifolia) Azalea (Rhododendron species) Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) PROPER TIMING FOR PRUNING FLOWERING PLANTS

Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Winter Garden Damage – What Now? Winter can offer obstacles for our gardens.  Cold, snow, ice, freeze/thaw cycles, wind, salt from treating roads and sidewalks are a few that spring to mind. Most of those obstacles can be readily overcome, but some are more challenging. Cold, Snow, Freeze/Thaw Cycles – In Other Words, Normal Winter Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Bring in Your Tropical Plants Now!

Have you got hibiscus, mandevilla, or other tropical plants you don’t want to say goodbye to for the winter? Follow these simple steps and you will be able to enjoy your tropical plants again next summer.

Lacecaps Like Light (and a Little Shade)

What You Should Know About Lacecap Hydrangeas Lacecap hydrangeas are a more delicate version of their mophead relatives, and have the same growing requirements. See below for pruning hints.

Pruning Hydrangea

One of the questions that I’m most often asked is, “When is the proper time to prune hydrangea?” So I figured, why not write about it and get all my tips up on the website? So… Here goes! Hydrangea, while not native to North America are perhaps one of our favorite shrubs to cultivate. You Pruning Hydrangea