House-Plant Propagation: From One Come Many

House-Plant Propagation

Nature has had billions of years to perfect it’s strategy for survival. Plants especially are capable of fascinating reproduction. For example by clipping the leaf from a Snake plant, such as the one pictured below, cutting it into three pieces and planting it in soil, a new plant will emerge in 12 weeks. In contrast a spider plant sends shoots out from it’s base and on the end of each shoot grows a replica of the “mother” plant that can be rooted by placing the “baby” in a glass of water for 10-12 days. Once new roots are 2 inches the “baby” can be planted in soil & will eventually become a mother plant itself! Begonias are yet entirely different! To propagate begonias, take a clipping with at least 2 leaves and place the stem in a glass of water and new roots will emerge in 5-7 days, roots need to be 3-4 inches long before planting for best results.

Angel-Wing Begonia

Angel-Wing Begonia

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Spider Plant

Spider Plant


Propagating plants is a wonderful way to give presents and promote sustainability. Check out this article on how houseplants actually keep you healthier! House Plants Keep You Healthy!

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