Many people know that houseplants provide beneficial oxygen to the home environment. But do you know they can do more for you than that?  Studies show plants can actually do more, removing toxins from our personal atmosphere, and also helping to promote drowsiness. And who doesn’t want to sleep better?

Given that information, what plants should we bring home to further our goals for better health and sleep?


Jasmine fragrance, working in ways similar to barbiturates, eases anxiety and encourages sleep. The scent was tested by researchers on mice, who curled up and went to sleep in its presence.


Lavender bouquets and essential oils are used by many as sleep inducers, but as with vitamins, you are better off getting the benefit from the original source, in this case, the plant. And who doesn’t love the smell?

ENGLISH IVY — A former NASA scientist who has researched how to keep the air in the space station clean, says English ivy helps reduce mold spores in the air, making it particularly beneficial to those with allergies.


In addition to providing a soothing gel for skin injuries, this plant has other important benefits. Another NASA study demonstrated that this hardy succulent vacuums up unhealthy indoor chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) while you sleep.


This houseplant is great for bedrooms that traditionally have low light so are easy to care for, but more importantly Boston ferns remove formaldehyde from the air. Formaldehyde is emitted from carpet and furniture. The newer the furniture the more it gives off.


Also called “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” for reasons that are unclear, snake plants are among the easiest to care for, and is considered an excellent air cleaner.

So grab a plant or two, place in your bedroom, and prepare to have sweet dreams.



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